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My dreams,anticipations,running through my mind,
all this when its cold and silent through the night.
Loneliness is what I feel,and I cannot achieve when I'm alone.
Where did all my friends go?
I try to reach them through my phone,
but lonely is all I know,
 I'm afraid of the things about me that they might have known.
So I go through my contacts, who should I call?
Do they want to see me in their contact list?
Breathe, I keep telling myself, breathe.
There must be someone out there who also feels the breeze,
Of letting you be the phone contact that rings,
Oh why do I feel like this?
Someone tell me please,
That it's just not me,who clenches my fist,
Because I feel so angry at me, at myself
You being angry at yourself,
Because you know your strength,
but are afraid to take a step.
Because lonely is your only friend.
Eventually you realize,
Its freezing in the outside,
You've got only you as your warmth inside,
Its not lonely,
Its just you that you trust.
Its not that you don't have friends,your just afraid of disappointment,
Afraid to disappoint,
Afraid of judgement,
Afraid of getting through your fears.
So get out my dear,meet people,
The old and make friends with the new.
Maybe the world is not a lonely place after all.
It won't feel that way, as long as you don't forget where you come from.
That's the only place that success will come from.
When you know where your friends come from.
Then you'll all have one place you want to get out of.
The loneliness which  you have no idea where it came from.
That's when you say goodbye to loneliness
And Hello to friendship.


  1. I am a lone ranger, the lone walker, am I supposed to let go of my habits and let people in? I'm not sure, but I am sure that loneliness sucks. Great insights Lefty, I also love the flow. Keep it up!


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