Friendship, something that we all crave for, or is it just me?Friendship,a relationship that comes with its own kind of affection and satisfaction. Have you ever asked yourself how many people call you their friends? Have you written a list of those you consider your friend? Well, its not a recommendation or anything, just, I believe you should know where you stand. Friendship brings along a package of lots of goodies, like understanding, no matter how awkward I am, no matter the situation I am in. Friendship comes with sacrifices, you give your friend some of your time without expecting anything back, you come through for them in the best of your ability when they're in trouble. It took me quite some time, to know who my real friends are, it took me long enough to realize what kind of a friend I am. I had to improve myself, my attitude towards life, my expectation of people who are in my circle. I had to lea...
A blogger who likes to inspire,share their moments, successes and fears, emotions. Is thoughtful, enjoys leaving your head hurting, your heart pounding. Caught up in their own world,please get me out of these chains, for just a few minutes. I'm a bit humorous,atleast that's what i think, and in love with doubt. The Young, old, wrecks,Welcome to my world. Read short articles that may inspire you or break your heart, infuse your emotions and leave you confused.